Cat nerfs, more Angryman nerfs
General - All melee heroes now has at least 150 attack range (Gilles attack range remains at 50 as his is for dewarding purpose only) Angra Mainyu General - Base damage reduced from 48 ~ 58 to 38 ~ 45 - Agility gain per level reduced from 1.3 to 0.9 - Base attack speed increased from 1.1 to 1.0 Tawrich & Zarich - Cast range reduced from 400 to 350 - Base damage reduced from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 to 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 True Form - Max health bonus reduced from 300 / 350 / 400 / 450 / 500 to 100 / 125 / 150 / 175 / 200 - Bonus damage increased from 7% / 11% / 14% / 17% / 20% to 10% / 15% / 20% / 25% / 30% Attribute: Demon Incarnate - Self damage amplification reduced from 25% to 15% Arturia Pendragon Caliburn - Cast range increased from 200 to 250 - Cast range buffer reduced from 200 to 75 - Damage reduced from 380 / 480 / 580 / 680 / 780 to 350 / 450 / 550 / 650 / 750 Avalon - Cooldown reduced from 60 to 55 seconds Attribute:...