
A Plus Scroll
- Component is now A scroll and a recipe instead
- Cost remains the same

Command Seal 2
- Mana cost should properly be reflected
- (It’s more to the aesthetics where you can tell exactly you need 1 or 2 mana)

- "Found" some new voices BlessRNG pls no sue BlessRNG

- Base mana regen reduced from 2.5 to 1.5
- Base damage increased from 40~46 to 56~64

Love Spot
- Fixed Love Spot not reducing damage taken from female heroes
- Damage reduction reduced from 50% / 90% to 50% at both level

Warrior’s Charge (Reworked)
- Damage reduced to 80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220
- Damage type changed to physical
- Performs 1 attack on the target when used
- If Double Spearmanship is active, deals another instance of damage as magic and performs two attacks instead of one.

Double Spearmanship (Reworked)
- Diarmuid’s non-double strike attacks has a 15% / 20% / 25% / 30% / 35% chance to double strike.
- Diarmuid’s non-double strike attacks always perform a second attack for the next 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 seconds.
- Grants additional effect to Diarmuid’s other abilities.

Gae Buidhe (Reworked)
- Mana cost increased to 550
- Cast point reduced to 0.8
- Cast range increased to 275
- Damage is 500 / 600 / 700 / 800 / 900 magical damage
- Only reduces maximum hp based on the actual damage dealt.
- If Double Spearmanship is active and Gae Dearg is on cooldown, Gae Dearg’s cooldown is refreshed for the next 4 seconds.
(If not used, Gae Dearg goes back on cooldown if it had more than 3 seconds cooldown)
(Gae Buidhe leaves 1 stack per 10 maximum hp he removed from the target)

Gae Dearg (Reworked)
- Mana cost increased to 550
- Cast point reduced to 0.8
- Now always teleport Diarmuid to the target’s front when cast successfully
- Damage based on distance
- Minimum damage reduced to 500 / 550 / 600 / 650 / 700
- Maximum Damage reduced to 550 / 675 / 800 / 925 / 1050
- If Double Spearmanship is active and Gae Buidhe is on cooldown, Gae Buidle’s cooldown is refreshed for the next 4 seconds.
(Follows the same rule similar to Gae Buidle)

Combo: Rampant Warrior (Reworked)
- Gae Buidhe and Gae Dearg has 50% reduced cast point during this effect
- Gae Buidhe and Gae Dearg has 250 mana cost during this effect
- Gae Buidhe and Gae Dearg has 1 second cooldown during this effect
- Diarmuid will always deal double attack
- Diarmuid’s attacks deals 100 bonus magical and pure damage per hit
- Diarmuid gains 100% attack speed
- Last 12 seconds

Attribute: Eye of the Mind (Reworked)
- Mana cost increased to 14
- No longer grants increased flying vision
- Instead, periodically reveals all nearby detectable enemies within 1500 AoE for 2 seconds. Ticks once every second.
- Enables Eye of the Mind

Eye of the Mind (New)
- When activated, grants 35% bonus magic resistance and 35 bonus armor for 1 second or until Diarmuid blocks a targeted skill.
- Cooldown 45 seconds (cannot be reset)

Attribute: Golden Rose of Mortality (Reworked)
- Mana cost increased to 15
- Gae Buidhe deals 1% more damage per stack of Gae Buidhe debuff on the target as  pure damage.
- Gae Buidhe can target magic immune enemies if the target has Gae Buidhe debuff
- Reduces Gae Buidhe mana cost to 400

Attribute: Crimson Rose of Exorcism (Reworked)
- Mana cost increased to 15
- Revokes the target for 1 second
- Leaves behind a Crimson Rose debuff on the target, reducing the target’s maximum mana by 100 per stack for 25 seconds.
- Crimson Rose debuff refreshes itself if stacked.
- Crimson Rose debuff increases revoke duration applied the next time Gae Dearg is used by 1 second per stack.
- Reduces Gae Dearg mana cost to 400

Attribute: Master of Double Spearmanship (Reworked)
- Mana cost increased to 19
- Gae Dearg and Gae Buidhe no longer requires Double Spearmanship to be active to have its bonus effects.
- Warrior’s Charge’s cooldown is reduced by 1 second whenever Diarmuid attacks during Rampant Warrior or Double Spearmanship is active, down to a minimum of 1 second.
- Diarmuid gains 15% / 25% / 35% / 45% / 55% bonus attack speed while Double Spearmanship is active.

Unlimited Blade Works
- Cast point removed
- Each line of chant grants Emiya increased 5 / 5 / 10 / 10 / 15 movement speed
- Chant buff is removed when Unlimited Blade Works starts

Sword Barrage - Retreat
- Backleap distance reduced from 600 to 300

Sword Barrage - Bombard
- Each instance will individually last 4 seconds instead of until the last instance ends
- Damage increased from 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110 to 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 / 130

Sword Barrage - Confine
- Cast range reduced from 1500 to 750
- Duration reduced from 3 seconds to 2.5 seconds
- Delay increased from 0.25 seconds to 0.45 seconds

Nine Lives Bladeworks
- Final hit damage reduced from 500 / 600 / 700 / 800 / 900 to 500 / 575 / 650 / 725 / 800

Rho Aias
- No longer provides bonus maximum hp
- Shield increased from 1000 to 2000
- Duration decreased from 5 to 4
- Target no longer blink while being affected

Combo: Arrow Rain
- Broken Phantasms now deal full damage

Attribute: Overedge
- Mana cost increased from 12 to 14
- Removed bonus damage for Crane Wings when it is executed
- Crane Wings no longer refunds 17.5% mana per Overedge charge
- Crane Wings mana cost is reduced by 50 per charge instead
- Now shoots blades equal to the number of charges on Overedge buff onto the target nearest to the center of the target location instead
- These blades cannot be disjointed
- Damage per blade is equal to Kanshou Byakuya’s damage
- Overedge buff now grants 25% attack speed per stack and 30% chance to bash for 1 second on hit, dealing additional 250 magical damage

Attribute: Projection
- Sword Barrage - Retreat no longer slows the enemies hit
- Sword Barrage - Retreat roots the target for 1.5 seconds, with cooldown of 4 seconds for the root to be possible to happen on the same target again. (Ability still has 2 second cooldown)
- Sword Barrage - Confine causes the confined enemies to take 25% additional damage from Sword Barrage - Bombard
- Sword Barrage - Bombard removed bonus 35 damage
- Sword Barrage - Bombard now has 100 mana cost and cooldown reduced to 2 seconds

- Added 5% and 25% :^)

Nero Claudius
Tres Fontaine Ardent
- Invulnerability ends if marked targets are all dead earlier than expected.
- Now calculates and look for target while slashing instead of on snapshot
- Will still target only the marked enemies
- Has a maximum range of 1500 centered around Nero when she started casting
- Damage increased from 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 to 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230
(Basically behavior should be same as Ember’s W now)

Gladiusanus Blauserum
- No longer gains charges when attacking creeps
- Initial damage reduced from 140 / 180 / 220 / 260 / 300 to 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 / 220
- Stacking damage increased from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 to 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110
- Stun duration reduced from 0.75 to 0.25

Rosa Ichthys
- Cast point increased from 0.3 to 0.4
- While Aestus Domus Aurea is active, cast range is increased to 700

Aestus Domus Aurea
- Cast point increased from 0.5 to 1.0
- Theatre manifest time reduced from 1.5 to 0.75
- Once cast point completes, Nero is dimensionally locked and can no longer blink
- Cast voice is now global
- All bonuses Nero gains are doubled
(The debuffs remain the same value however)

Sasaki Kojiro

- "Exiting the gate wasn't so bad" line is played when Sasaki exits his Gatekeeper aoe as opposed to when it starts
- No longer possible to have 2 set of particles

Heart of Harmony
- Plays between "Well done" and "Oyo?" depending on the counterattack stunning the target or not.

- Plays different lines depending on Focus state

- Plays line only if it's Focus

Attribute: Ganryu
- Damage bonus reduced from 100%, 100%, 150% to 100% on all 3 attacks
- Now shreds 25% of the target's armor right before every hit. This is removed as Tsubame Gaeshi finishes its last hit.

Rebellious Intent
- Mana cost is removed if health is below 25%

- Will be playing around. I ended up rewriting a lot of codes out of a whim for some reason.
- Medusa is still shelved, but she's probably the next one I'll address along with the Arthurias, end goal is rewriting as much of the existing code while I move forward with reworks.
- Still brainlet and can't get the model working. Trying to talk to other people to import for me instead.


  1. where luler rework even at least on la pucelle... damn sabers. Only pick her for try harding. combo/skills doesn't sync very well with each other. Tamamo and nr could be less cancerous too like u did with ta, nero and cat.


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