
A Plus Scroll
- Healing reduced from 500 to 300
- Armor bonus increased from 25 to 35

Angra Mainyu
Attribute: Overdrive
- Now also causes Angra Mainyu to perform 3 attacks on the target when Tawrich and Zarich is used
(This does not provide Overdrive stacks however)

Crossing Arcadia
- Now has 2500 cast range
- Actual range the arrows will hit is unchanged
- Cooldown rescaled from 8 to 10 / 6
(I intend for Crossing Arcadia to be like Dark Souls roll, more defensive than an offensive ability).

Double Spearmanship
- Now also causes Diarmuid to deal 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 magic and pure damage to the target when he attacks while activated

Attribute: Mind’s Eye
- Search interval reduced from 1 to 0.25 (Should be more responsive in revealing enemies)
- Reveal duration reduced from 2 to 1
- Active: Buff is now properly removed when triggered

Attribute: Master of Double Spearmanship
- Mana cost reduced from 19 to 17
- Fixed attribute reducing the gae’s cooldown bypass window instead of increasing
- Window reduced from 6 to 5

Attribute: Eagle Eye
- Fixed Eagle Eye granting much more range than intended to Caladbolg

Attribute: Hrunting
- Fixed not granting Emiya Hrunting when Clairvoyance is used

- Base damage reduced from 46~60 to 46~54
- Agility gain reduced from 1.5 to 1.4 (This sorta fixed some rounding issue so w/e lol)

- Damage reduced from 200 / 10 to 180 / 10

Self Modification
- Initial heal reduced from 200 / 250 / 300 / 350 / 400 to 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300
- Duration increased from 5 to 7
- Can now be dispelled by Soft Dispels such as S-Scroll

Attribute: Protection from wind
- Now gains or loses 5% magic resist every 0.25 second of being visible or not visible instead
(This means he’ll rapidly gain or lose magic resist depending on him being visible or not instead of gaining or losing in one lump sum)
- Maximum magic resist reduced from 50% to 35%
- Minimum magic resist is still -30%

Attribute: Arm of Shaytan
- Self Modification Agility Bonus: Attack buff can now be dispelled with Soft Dispels such as S-Scroll
- Self Modification Intelligence Bonus: Healing per int increased from 13 to 15.
- Self Modification Intelligence Bonus: Now heals all allies within 350 aoe as well.

- Activation damage cap increased from 50% to 60% (480 / 630 / 780 / 930 / 1080)
- Can no longer be purged by Soft Dispels such as S-Scroll
- Duration reduced to 4 seconds at all levels
- Removes and ignores Zabaniya’s curse while its active

Lancelot (Yes I’m salty dying to dadadada)
SMG Barrage
- Uses a more realistic H&K MP5 sound
- No longer shreds armor
- Can no longer be used while Arondite is active
- Damage reduced from 140 / 180 / 220 / 260 / 300 to 100 / 125 / 150 / 175 / 200
- Now deals additional 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 physical damage each time the target has been hit before, capped at 10 stacks. Debuff last 5 seconds and is hidden.
- Cost 25 additional mana to use if this ability has been used in the past 2 seconds every time this ability is used
- Cooldown removed

Double Edge
- No longer burns mana
- Damage amplification is no longer 25% more constant
- Lancelot takes 5% more damage every second.
- Damage amplification capped at 25%
- Lancelot gains 5% more attack speed and movement speed every second and every time he takes damage. (Regardless of amount)
- Base attack speed is 5% / 10% / 15% / 20% / 25%
- Base movement speed is 10%
- Attack speed capped at 25% / 50% / 75% / 100% / 125%
- Movement speed capped at 25% / 30% / 35% / 40% / 45%

Knight of Honor
- Abilities updated to show that it has 4 levels.
- Values updated to respect the values of the original ability
(Just a bandaid buff/balance/scale until I rework KoH as a whole)

- No longer deals initial damage
- Can now be clicked
(Linken effect stays however)
- Will always shoot fire projectile, dealing 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 magical damage
- Cost 40 mana to shoot each fire projectile
- Bonus damage increased from 12 / 14 / 16 / 18 / 20 to 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35
- Bonus stats increased from 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25

Attribute: Lancelot of the Lake(New)
- Mana cost 18
- Arondight grants twice as much bonuses and rapidly cleanses debuffs off Lancelot for 1 second when its activated.

Attribute: Improve Eternal Arms Mastery
- Mana cost increased from 8 to 14
- Also adds an additional level to Knight of Honor’s abilities

Attribute: Eternal Flames
- Mana cost increased from 10 to 15
- Removes mana cost from Arondite’s fire projectile
- Arondite fire projectile now shreds 10% armor per hit for 5 seconds

Li Shuwen
Fierce Tiger Strike
- First and second hit damage increased from 280 / 310 / 340 / 370 / 400 to 280 / 315 / 350 / 385 / 420
- Final hit damage based on attack increased from 150% / 175% / 200% / 225% / 250% to 175% / 200% / 225% / 250% / 275%

Nero Claudius
Aestus Domus Aurea
- Fixed theatre manifesting without any delay after the cast is complete
- Manifest delay increased from 0.75 seconds to 1.00 seconds

Laus Saint Claudius
- Now pierces spell block effects such as Linkens

Sasaki Kojiro
- Base damage reduced from 48~62 to 44~56

Mind’s Eye
- No longer provides mana on hit if Sasaki is Exhausted

- Self stun increased from 0.4 to 0.5 seconds (That means Sasaki should be stunned for 0.1 seconds when the ice skating completes).
- Scaling damage reduced from 250% to 200% of Sasaki’s attack
- Can no longer seal while sliding

Attribute: Vitrification
- No longer causes Heart of Harmony to remove Exhausted upon use.
- Instead, Heart of Harmony no longer sets mana to zero upon use.


- Medusa shelved again because I could not work with particles.


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