Updates and announcement

- Added sounds that trigger when certain heroes are picked into the same team.
- Command for picking Kuro removed because some people are abusing her instead of helping to brainstorm.
- Normalized a lot of stuns to use one standard stun debuff so that heroes with stunned animation can play their stunned animation.

Presence Resonator
- Reveal duration reduced from 4 seconds to 2 seconds

Ward Familiar
- Maximum stock increased from 4 to 6
- Restock time reduced from 180 to 120

Scout Familiar
- Transforming into a ward duration increased from 15 seconds to 30 seconds
- Transforming into a ward true sight increased from 1050 to 1400
- Transforming into a ward cost reduced from 800 to 600

Arturia Pendragon
(Still too lazy to get started on reworking her)

- Duration increased from 5 to 8
- Cast point reduced from 0.2 to 0.1
- Self stun duration when countering reduced from 0.6 to 0.45
(Roughly only disabled for 0.05 seconds after countering)

Arturia Alter
Attribute: Sword of Ultimate Darklight
- Critical damage reduced from 250% to 175%

Added new voice lines

Celestial Arrow
- Being affected by Tauropolos is also considered having arrows for the purpose of firing.

Cu Chulainn
Relentless Spear
- Stun begins as he finish casting rather than as his attacks land, making it less likely for opponent to be able to blink away right when he starts channeling.

The Spear of Striking Death Flight
- Damage reduced from 750 / 975 / 1200 / 1425 / 1650 to 750 / 950 / 1150 / 1350 / 1550

Attribute: The Spear of Striking Death Flight
- Bonus damage increased from 250 to 400
- Bonus throw range increased from 350 to 650
- Mana cost increased from 14 to 15

Double Spearmanship
- Double spear window reduced from 4 seconds to 3 seconds.

Attribute: Mind’s Eye
- Mana cost increased to 15

Attribute: Golden Rose of Mortality
- Mana cost reduced from 15 to 14
- Also reduces Gae Buidhe’s cast time from 0.8 seconds to 0.5 seconds

Attribute: Crimson Rose of Exorcism
- Mana cost increased from 15 to 16
- Max mana reduction increased from 125 to 250 per stack
- Max mana reduction duration reduced from 35 seconds to 10 seconds

Attribute: Master of Double Spearmanship
- Double spear window increased from 5 seconds to 7 seconds
- Mana cost reduced from 17 to 13

Gilles de Rais
(No I’m too lazy to rework him unless someone convince me to do so)
- Base armor reduced to 0 from 1.5
- Base magic resistance reduced to 5% from 10%
- Base movement speed reduced to 320 from 330

Summon Demons
- Cooldown reduced to 6 at all levels

- Cooldown reduced to 10 seconds

Exquisite Cadaver
- Cooldown reduced to 14 seconds

Abyssal Contract
- Fixed tooltips not showing the proper value of the squid monster’s attack.

- Strength gain per level increased from 0.6 to 0.8
- Agility gain per level reduced from 1.7 to 1.2
- Base armor reduced by 1
- Base mana regeneration increased from 2 to 3

- Also removes slow effects from himself.

God Hand
- Fixed a bug which when dying with no God Hand stocks left, it’s still not counted as a death.
- Improved death tracking by making the counter not reset to 0 once you reached 7 death, which causes confusion where people think that the counter isn't rising up.

Jeanne d’Arc
Identity Discernment
- Duration when on the winning team reduced from 5 to 3
(Duration when on the losing team is still 10)

- Model size reduced by 10% because people complain about him being as large as Heracles
- Hitbox increased by roughly 50% to make it easier to click on him.

Brahmastra Kundala
- Will now throw a spear toward the sky toward the target location when cast successfully
- Fixed a bug where the pillar of light denoting the impact location is visible to enemies as well.
- Improved hit scan for full and partial damage where it’s possible for the target to be within the full damage area but taking only half damage if the second hit drops within 0.3 seconds from the first drop.
(This should normally be not possible as Brahmastra Kundala has a 0.8 second cast)

SMG Barrage
- Range of this ability increased from 850 to 1000 (Cast range remains at 750)
- Cast point reduced from 0.3 to 0.2

Li Shuwen
Fierce Tiger Strike
- Cast point for each hit reduced from 0.4 to 0.3
- Spell blocks no longer prevent Li Shuwen from chaining the subsequent hits.
(Before this spell blocks would prevent Li from utilizing the 2nd or 3rd hit if the first is blocked).

Skeleton Warriors
- Movement speed increased from 250 to 450
- Bash chance increased from 30% to 45%
- Bash duration reduced from 0.6 to 0.3 seconds
- Vision reduced from 800/600 day night vision to 300 vision.

Nero Claudius
Model updated.

Tres Fontaine Ardent
- Cast point increased from instant to 0.1

Rosa Ichthys
- Cooldown reduced from 21 to 7

Combo: Laus Saint Claudius
- Damage increased from 1500 to 1750
- Burn damage reduced from 400 per second to 200 per second
- Burn duration increased from 3 to 5
- Cooldown reduced from 70 to 60

Nursery Rhyme
Combo: A Story for Somebody's Sake

- Now plays a sound on every tick.

- To be fair Semiramis has been worked on for a while, but I just couldn’t really come up with ideas on how to make her less boring and more of a unique caster/assassin hybrid.
- Decided to also prepare for other heroes.
- Kuro is just missing something that makes her special.


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