
- Upon gaining magic immunity, also cleanses the user off cleansable debuffs such as stuns, slows, silence, roots and etc. This applies to all magic immunity effects.
- End of round pause is now a Revoke, so that special childs won’t waste their seals for whatever weird reason.

S-EX Scroll
- Slow and Root are both applied simultaneously again, making it possible to purge off with 1 cleanse effect.

Shard of Replenishment
- Now instantly fully heals the target when used
- Hp and mana regeneration reduced to 500 per second
- Regeneration can now be purged off by Soft and Strong dispels.

Shard of Anti-Magic
- Duration increased from 7.5 to 8.5 seconds

Command Seals
- Command seals are now refreshed when the round begins, for the special childs who wants to reset blinks and make weird plays.

Presence Resonator
- Cooldown is now refreshed when the round begins.
- Now prioritizes the closest enemy that can be detected.

Cu Chulain
Protection from Arrows
- Active duration increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds

Battle Continuation
- When triggered, instantly cleanses Cu Chulain off all debuffs as well.

- Base damage reduced from 54~62 to 42 ~ 50

Double Spearmanship
- On hit damage reduced from 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25
- Passive proc chance increased from 15% / 20% / 25% / 30% / 35% to 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%

Gae Dearg
- Maximum damage increased from 550 / 675 / 800 / 925 / 1050 to 550 / 700 / 850 / 1000 / 1200

Combo: Rampant Warrior
- Attack speed bonus reduced from 100% to 50%
- Cast point reduction increased from 50% to 62.5%
(Roughly 0.4 to 0.3 second cast point)

Kanshou & Byakuya
- Should be easier to throw swords towards his back now.

Rho Aias
- Now shows remaining shield in 10 hp per stack.
(200 stacks when it’s created)

Attribute: Overedge
- Additional blades fired can now be disjointed
- Attack speed bonus increased from 25% per stack to 35% per stack
- Hitting enemies with any blades grants 1 stack per blade immediately
- No longer grants charges when casting Kanshou & Byakuya
(Effectively hitting with 4 blades grants 4 charges immediately)

Blade of the Devoted
- Initial stun duration reduced from 1.25 seconds to 0.5 seconds
- Subsequent hits after initial hit no longer deals bonus magic damage.
- Increases Gawain’s attack by 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 while Blade of the Devoted is active.
- Initial damage increased from 250 / 300 / 350 / 400 / 450 to 300 / 350 / 400 / 450 / 500

Blessing of the Fairy
- When triggered, instantly cleanses Gawain off all debuffs as well.

Attribute: Belt of Bertitlak
- Mana cost reduced from 16 to 14
- No longer increases Heat’s stacking damage by 8
- Area of effect increased from 250 to 375
- Causes Blade of the Devoted to reduce its cooldown by 1 second everytime Gawain hits an enemy while its active, down to a minimum of 5 seconds.

Attribute: Knight of the Sun
- When attacking enemies while Heat is active, upon the 5th attack, subsequent Heat stacks twice as fast.
- Triggering Heat’s 5th attack bonus grants Gawain bonus 400% attack speed for his next 5 attacks, and stuns the target for 1 second. This can only occur once every time Heat is used.
- Mana cost is 13

- Fixed a bug where Dirk poison slow is not considered a slow effect.
- Cast range rescaled from 700/1100 to 850 / 1000
- Damage reduced from 180 / 10 to 150 / 10
- Damage bonus from Attack increased from 75% to 100%

Combo: Delusional Illusion
- Illusions throws dirks instead of using Zabaniya: Delusional Heartbeat
- Illusion variants includes Hundred-Faced Hassan
(This is merely a cosmetic change)

Attribute: Protection from Wind
- Maximum magic resist bonus increased from 35% to 40%
- Maximum magic resist penalty reduced from -30% to -20%

- Some volume has been toned down a little bit

- Health lock reduced from 800 / 1050 / 1300 / 1550 / 1800 to 800 / 975 / 1150 / 1325 / 1500
- Can no longer be removed by Soft Dispels
(S and EX scroll mainly)
(*Note: This change has been live for a while)

SMG Barrage
- Stacking damage per shot increased from 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 to 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 / 105

Double Edge
- Movement/Attack speed gain per second or when taking damage increased from 5% to 10%
- Movement/Attack speed and damage taken % also increases as Lancelot attacks.
- Maximum attack speed increased from 25% / 50% / 75% / 100% / 125% to 50% / 75% / 100% / 125% / 150%
- Maximum damage amp taken increased from 25% to 35%

- Bonus damage increased from 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 to 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60

Attribute: Knight of the Lake
- No longer rapidly cleanse crowd control effects for 1 second when Arondite is activated.
- Grants Lancelot 1.5 seconds Spell Immunity when Arondite is activated

Li Shuwen
- Fixed an issue where Berserk is usable even while revoked.
- Crowd Control immunity increased from 1 to 2 seconds
- Duration increased from 8 to 12 seconds
- Fierce Tiger Strike critical damage increased from 175% to 200%
- Cooldown increased from 25 to 30 seconds

Attribute: Circulatory Shock
- Mana burn damage increased from 0.3 per missing mana to 0.5
- Enemies killed with No Second Strike have their master mana reduced by 1
- Mana cost increased from 15 to 16

Attribute: Furious Chain
- Health and mana regeneration increased from 40 per second to 50 per second
- Mana cost reduced from 19 to 17

Attribute: Dagger of Treachery
- Enemies who die under the effect of Rule Breaker no longer grants Medea an additional point of master mana
- Enemies who die under the effect of Rule Breaker has their master losing 1 health and Medea’s master gains 1 health if applicable.

Nero Claudius
Tres Fontaine Ardent
- Cast point removed
- No longer makes Nero invulnerable for 0.2 seconds if there’s no nearby targets

Gladiusanus Blauserum
- Bonus proc damage per stack rescaled from 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 to 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90
- Starts from 0 stacks instead of 1
- No longer stuns magic immune enemies

Aestus Domus Aurea
- When the theatre manifest, abilities on cooldown longer than 1 second will have its cooldown reduced to 1 second
- Sound is only global if there’s an enemy within range when Nero begins casting

Combo: Laus Saint Claudius
- Can no longer be used on enemies unaffected by Aestus Domus Aurea

Rebellious Intent
- Free mana cost condition increased from 25% to 35% health.

Kazikli Bey
- Cast point increased from 0.3 seconds to 0.45 seconds

- Activation delay reduced from 0.65 seconds to 0.5 seconds

Footnote: You might find some Easter egg on what I'm working on if you play while I'm in the game.
Credits to styx for providing the models.


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